
Supreme Court Justice Antonin has died.He was a conservative Justice. His death cld change balance of court.

BBCRajiniV United States
Supreme Court Justice Antonin #Scalia has died.He was a conservative Justice. His death cld change balance of court.
KillAtWill Citrus Heights, Ca
Good for Canada!
MrTonyStewart Basel, Switzerland
US Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies
kikifortodae Boston
@daesungsboobs Oh my goodness 😱☃ Hahahha yeah the news said we got it from Canada (the reporter blamed on Canada, made me laugh so hard 😂)
KateatLFPress London, Ontario
When will it end? Not tonight, according to Environment Canada. -40, -40 temps expected into Sunday. Another 10-15 cm of snow predicted.
PerfectlyAnkit In The Dreamy Land...
VIDEO: Obama’s Valentine poem for his wife
ForrestTess Melbourne, Victoria
Canada to stop bombing Isis because Syrians 'need our help - not our vengeance'
When you step outside and your snot freezes, you know you're in Canada.
WIN a Valentine's day prize pack from @Hallmark_Canada at #onesmileymonkey #LoveHallmarkCA

textile bargain

tmj_can_jobs1 Canada
#CareerArc #Sales #Job alert: Customer Success Manager | Oracle | #Canada #Jobs #Hiring
TrendsmapCanada Canada
'brendan' is now trending in Canada
OkanaganSpirits Kelowna and Vernon, BC
Episode on #Okanagan & making a new #Gin with #martinpicard @cabanepdc has aired on @telequebec! #kelowna #vernonbc
justinsb Ontario
Oh my. The US political landscape just shifted "US Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies" - BBC News
@JohnCobalt @kuze81 Can you find any examples of slaughterhouse expansion into Canada? That's a fraction of Canadian manufacturing.
botajar2 East Blue
#ROH3 #JFB #TFB #SuaraRakyatItuMitos Man charged with fraud for selling iPhone… ROH3 SmantiBatam #ROH3SmantiBatam
HugeNetwork_EN WorldWide
Huge Network | Watch | VIDEO: Obama’s Valentine poem for his wife #World #BBC #News #HNN
tajarz JKT48-Muse-A7X
#ROH3 #JFB #TFB #SuaraRakyatItuMitos Man charged with fraud… #NewsCanadaToronto ROH3 SmantiBatam #ROH3SmantiBatam
botajar Batam
#ROH3 #JFB #TFB #SuaraRakyatItuMitos Man charged with fraud for selling iPhone… ROH3 SmantiBatam #ROH3SmantiBatam
Wills for Canada
BrattPitt_pa US
The Reason Why Miss Canada 2015 Couldnt Compete In Miss World Finale Is Shocking
I didn't sign up to live in the NorthPole bruh.
04:00 3pt FG MADE by Matt Todd (MHS) assist by Isaiah Wills. MHS leads 26 - 13 in the 1st Half. #

Created: 13 Feb 2016