Bernie is Cool.
Tweeting on the topic of Bernie is Cool.
coffeemughh Like yeah, retweeting and reposting about it is cool and all but it's not gonna help Bernie win anything unless you actually go and vote # FreedomOfAnimals
Chris_Dawson15 West Peoria, IL Like Bernie is cool and all but he is so far behind that he's not winning the democratic nomination *R.I.P. Speaker Knockerz* *B.I.P. Tommie*
megan_elizxo Bernie is a cool guy & I like his stances but the more liberal the executive branch is, the more conservative the legistative branch is... I'm kinda opinionated • ya fave barista • #Hillary2016
nsw43 DC/Northern Virginia Never. But maybe the" Bernie is so cool" narrative will. Progressive, WNBA fan, former English major.
sagitai1781 @ABC it would be cool if Bernie had enough $ to buy delegates like Hillary, the popular vote is a joke
O_diggler Fashionably Late Bernie Sanders isn't going to be the U.S president but damn that nigga is cool Get money by all means, survive at all costs, put God above all things. ~~ #NCAT ~~
Brains4Bern ✌️ @p_staatz I hope so. I'm in Cali and not so sure. My neighborhood is Bernie cool, but some others, I actually see Hillary bumper stickers We #feelthebern of @HillaryClinton's bought viewpoints & aggressive foreign policy. Happy to be voting for @BernieSanders.
LaurenOlson Kansas City, MO If everyone is so hyped about Bernie (he is pretty cool) why is Dem turn-out lower than 2008? But for real, do we have data? Tattooed femmeinist, book jockey, fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack. All views are my own, of course.
Stubbs_Heat93 Miami, FL bernie is a cool candidate.but he is a liar and he is giving americans false hope.people fell for his false ideas and i am glad they woke up #LGBT #Dominican #HeatNation #NYGiants #Clinton2016 #TeamCap #TeamSuperman @iamcardib - my wife
AyeshaASiddiqi nyc is there any cool Sanders campaign merch? I want a navy crewneck sweatshirt w Sanders on it in white (not 'Bernie') writer, editor @NewInquiry fka @ pushinghoops thank you based goth #homelandbling
timpphoto new york, baltimore I'm for Bernie... But this isn't cool. His campaign had nothing to do with this... This is too… professional fashion, portrait, wedding photographer & designer
reasonably_cool Bernie Sanders and Trump are opposites. One is for equality while the other is not. One is old while the other doesn't think he is old. At least I'm not the worst.
FlameBrightOC Province of Montana, CA Trump is a Troupe with an orange attached
Bernie is cool with the kids
Hillary is a complete nutcase and needs to get out I'm a Brony and Gamer. I do stuff like art and streams rarely. Some people call me manure for my age. Apparently I am cute. |Pics: @RedBerylFTW and @dr4g0nd1ck|
DrKEDSR ÜT: 30.385184,-86.399308 I have some really good friends who are Bernie supporters and thats cool but this "you ain't down if you ain't for Bernie" is foolish Senior Pastor of the Zion Baptist Church in Columbia, SC; Husband, Father, and Servant of God.
What is cool?