
Coo Is Cool

Coo Is Cool

Strange Tweets about Coo Is Cool.

ThePropCq @garrytan Our CTO needs to work full time while we develop our product, is there an option for myself (CEO) and my COO to go through the incubator? We are building something really cool, would love to chat about it. Just a small proptech startup documenting our way to the top. Currently developing our MVP, with our first round of users starting May 15th, 2023.
ThePropCq @bradflora Our CTO needs to work full time while we develop our product, is there an option for myself (CEO) and my COO to go through the incubator? We are building something really cool, would love to chat about it. Just a small proptech startup documenting our way to the top. Currently developing our MVP, with our first round of users starting May 15th, 2023.
EddieTheCommish Bishop Sycamore @OneLegOneMan Lasso is best when they have less football. Those are the corniest scenes All grogu has done is coo and do flips. I hope something cool happens at some point 😂 Bishop Sycamore class of ‘01, husband, sports fan, believer🙏🏼, & podcaster🎙 🎧 w/@OrlandoLionsDen #OCSC #Astros #gooner #49erFaithful #VamosOrlando
QueWealth South Africa @TimesLIVE What's this guy's role exactly because at this point I'm not sure whether he is a Minister or ESKOM COO. by the way, can he cool it with refering to electricity as electrons and to ESKOM as a vehicle, these don't make him sound smart or competent. Wealth Que is a Business Directory and Information Platform with a specific focus on the Retail Financial Sector.
Whata_Berger PfTX I am FASCINATED by my COO. She’s my boss’s boss’s boss so I’ll never get a chance to pick her brain but she is so forking smart and cool and I wanna know her story & why she’s working for my company when she is qualified to be making way more money working for a way bigger brand Husband to Mrs. Hamberdler • RIP KJB • Liberty • #TexasEx • #RedNation • #CowboysNation • ‘17/‘22 WS Champs* • Opinions are Mine & My Employer Likely Disagrees
OfficialDaem North Las Vegas, NV @im_right_though @stephenasmith I do . They criticized him heavily for all kinds of things . Just how it goes . Mayfield gets talked about for being so arrogant and sucking lol . Arrogance and popsicleiness is coo on white players . Never cool on black players . Richard Sherman used to catch hell Artist/ Songwriter/Activist 🎤 Norph Vegas own . New Single No Lie , out now . LINK BELOW
thatguyrainn @number1JAZZ @GreyNdimande @TheNBACentral Bro no one is tryna watch women basketball. Like it’s cool and all, but people would like to see dunks, posterizing, insane athleticism. Which is lacking in the women’s sport. It’s coo, but they don’t need to be equal. Only way you could make it equal is forcing people to watch HeartBreak Kid 💜
AndyNonmuss you know I'm right It’s not often a song comes along -that isn’t mainstream pop garbage -that I just despise and hearing it sends me into a rage and that song is Dj koze roisin murphy coo cool. I love koze too he’s a criminal and a grifter and an embarrassment. you got got.
cynthx California, USA @Devon_OnEarth Das coo. If the teacher is going to take on the responsibility to monitor the student for psychological needs throughout, it's cool. If they can't* then... ??? A solution is needed. Kids keep things a secret and then no one knows why they did x, y and z until it's too late. A dame with a taste for single player games. 🍷
Avery81st I AM @_CousinTony @KingGygm @BOXINGnBBQ Exactly because fans are fickle anyways 🤷🏾‍♂️😂 who cares if somebody you never met remembers you. It’s coo but not life defining. Legacy is what your kids will hold onto and keep alive not a championship belt. Although being a champ is cool too it’s just a piece of leather and gold Brotha OF The Cool.
LeftyNoHezi @Swagg @JeffreyGreller craps cool and all but it takes 2/3 times longer to make yo food than traditional ways. If you got a bunch of spare time on ya hands then yea it’s coo. But ask this question “how many restaurants out there using air fryers” the answer is NONE! Most overhyped product this century “I’m as real as a donut, motherforker!”
littlekeish Tampa, FL I found the biggest dick I’ve found in Tampa. And he coo. How cool. 21+Spanish/Irish•inked•Award winning actress •Dancer•Cellist•Slag•No meet ups or fb• Not an influencer• book me at slippyfistks@hotmail.com•hit the link vv
errorextra Do people think I’m still cool and mysterious even though I post how unwell I am on the daily? Do people think I’m still coo- freelance illustrator | character designer | doodler 27 | they/them ♓️☀️/♎️🌕/♊️⬆️ 🔞 Commissions: working. (closed) I POST A LOT OF BULLMEN
imjesiah East Coast The Teams notification sound has replaced the mourning dove coo and I’m very depressed abt that but whatever whatever it’s cool it’s fine I’m fine I’m cool Enjoying Creation In All Forms | ig: imjesiah
ThePropCq @garrytan Our CTO needs to work full time while we develop our product, is there an option for myself (CEO) and my COO to go through the incubator? We are building something really cool, would love to chat about it. Just a small proptech startup documenting our way to the top. Currently developing our MVP, with our first round of users starting May 15th, 2023.
ThePropCq @bradflora Our CTO needs to work full time while we develop our product, is there an option for myself (CEO) and my COO to go through the incubator? We are building something really cool, would love to chat about it. Just a small proptech startup documenting our way to the top. Currently developing our MVP, with our first round of users starting May 15th, 2023.
bigdeeedatskee1 @RellyCREAM I think ur amazing and beautiful but u do the boot and toot and get mad when a reg African-American hit u but u hit a women and it’s coo like u out urself out there shut up weirdo seriously it’s not cool and u always come for gay men we don’t care about u like that please stop
YuZapata3SC Bogotá, D.C., Colombia @Mahsa_se_nft Art and Artist here. Find this crazy pigeon nesting at the Cool Collar Palometa #NFTcollection Colombian Graphic Designer/Artist/NFT Artist. Links to my artwork:
EddieTheCommish Bishop Sycamore @OneLegOneMan Lasso is best when they have less football. Those are the corniest scenes All grogu has done is coo and do flips. I hope something cool happens at some point 😂 Bishop Sycamore class of ‘01, husband, sports fan, believer🙏🏼, & podcaster🎙 🎧 w/@OrlandoLionsDen #OCSC #Astros #gooner #49erFaithful #VamosOrlando
mother_of_geese she/her hello gay people in my phone today drained me i have gotten approx 1 hour of sleep around 9am i have to drive for four hours and i still haven't packed my car or gotten gas or gotten food and i have so much homework due tomorrow i may die cool cool coo coo cool 25. 🔞MDNI -NSFW content- || Bisexual || Aquarius || Steddie/Ronance/Jargyle/buckingham (stonathan?? perhaps) Main: @yourlanegirl
naawts HILL$IDE @papayaspice A lot of times i would forget how much younger you are than me because of how forkin cool you are! (Not saying ppl ur age isnt coo but you know what i mean lol) and look at you now kai, still the forkin coolest person :’-) 👁
YuZapata3SC Bogotá, D.C., Colombia @NftPeperoncino Man, I would love to welcome you in the #PalometaGang Get yourself a Palometa here, get the Snoop and participate to win physical art pieces in NYC: Colombian Graphic Designer/Artist/NFT Artist. Links to my artwork:
QueWealth South Africa @TimesLIVE What's this guy's role exactly because at this point I'm not sure whether he is a Minister or ESKOM COO. by the way, can he cool it with refering to electricity as electrons and to ESKOM as a vehicle, these don't make him sound smart or competent. Wealth Que is a Business Directory and Information Platform with a specific focus on the Retail Financial Sector.
AlienRockstarr NASA , Memphis African-Americans just be hitting me up for dick n bottom and wanting to fork like that’s cool but why we can’t fork n vibe n go on dates , what’s so coo abt forking multiple ppl n being at risk 19 College💰| Entrepreneur/ Musician | Don’t text if you’re not booking ready with deposit or tipping - management 🪐( you will be blocked)
katansou alcatraz rhyme’s too easy to mimic but i swear i make my own too i like to shout you and everything you do you cool coo’ than athena when she helped me block out demon’s like a breeze we freiza like freeze “where my super suit?” akatsuki’s painted in red otsutsuki! kitty took mr. kait kite kaito’s life, i owe you my life dont i mr. right, every random dice number rolled had me giggling & kicking my feet, shadow ᵏⁿight beck
GovDNOI I go nuts for you go coo coo lose my cool and all. United South America Inc. (US Gov Structure) {USA} United Streets of America (District 1-10) {USOA) Indiana Nation Gov't Disciples. #IN #GD14
madmanleek Sacramento, CA @swankCMB Lol relax African-American I dont love tank he coo i got him at 2 cuz i dont love haney. And if he lose to ryan idgaf he not my mans 😂. The belts are cool but it only matters to me what they all do against each other so its up in the air in my eyes. Shakur jus got my favorite style I drop jewels so undermine me or strike it rich l Free Game the Platform l 💎Jewel of the Valley 💎 l #experiencemadness
DestinyNTG Austin, TX I can't stand stuck up pretentious ppl. Lyke it's coo to do upscale things but it's not cool to be condescending, snobbish, and rude. I'm a down to earth kinda gal. I'm rlly a country girl at heart. ❤️ treat people with kindness and respect and follow the platinum rule 💯 I SUPPORT INDEPENDENT ARTISTS! Mention me for a Retweet❤😎💯 #Rapper | #Singer | #RecordingArtist | #Model For Bookings: JAG@NTGMG.com @ntgmusicgroup
Whata_Berger PfTX I am FASCINATED by my COO. She’s my boss’s boss’s boss so I’ll never get a chance to pick her brain but she is so forking smart and cool and I wanna know her story & why she’s working for my company when she is qualified to be making way more money working for a way bigger brand Husband to Mrs. Hamberdler • RIP KJB • Liberty • #TexasEx • #RedNation • #CowboysNation • ‘17/‘22 WS Champs* • Opinions are Mine & My Employer Likely Disagrees
OfficialDaem North Las Vegas, NV @im_right_though @stephenasmith I do . They criticized him heavily for all kinds of things . Just how it goes . Mayfield gets talked about for being so arrogant and sucking lol . Arrogance and popsicleiness is coo on white players . Never cool on black players . Richard Sherman used to catch hell Artist/ Songwriter/Activist 🎤 Norph Vegas own . New Single No Lie , out now . LINK BELOW
FORESH4DOW 00’ ; ausgenes ; t ☆ my person who i can share cool animal/insect pics with and coo over our cats ily gnat <3 𝘱𝘴𝘴𝘱 𝘱𝘴𝘱 has anyone seen my cat? #박종성 🐈‍⬛
BackDoorCam_ Lol crazy I looked at a pick from college and every mf in the pic I ain’t coo with not more looking back idk why I ever was cool with em all the relationships were one sided literally DALLAS 📍
MaiyaMonike Milwaukee, WI I really use to do this shoe crap but they make it too hard and I’m just cool on it now honestly lol which ever ones I really want I get but every drop I’m coo ✌🏾 🏳️‍🌈2️⃣7️⃣years old| R.I.P Alex H. Sunrise 06-10-93 Sunset 7-25-12
thatguyrainn @number1JAZZ @GreyNdimande @TheNBACentral Bro no one is tryna watch women basketball. Like it’s cool and all, but people would like to see dunks, posterizing, insane athleticism. Which is lacking in the women’s sport. It’s coo, but they don’t need to be equal. Only way you could make it equal is forcing people to watch HeartBreak Kid 💜
wiggitygiggles Salt, Salt @OrtizKicks waaaahhh. so it was fine when clark did it. cool, coo. Might suggest not watching sports since apparently your weak constitution cant't handle it. Go find a wet towel and put your hand wringing to use. salty
FFhustler420 The Mint Collective Card show in Vegas was coo. Got a bunch of cool boxes for breaks. And also god a bunch of cards for giveaways and such Fantasy Football SF IDP Life, 420, & Movies! Best Fantasy Community! #420Crew #IDPlife #HustlerLeagues Follow on all platforms click website link
MephistosThesis @LPNH cool cool now, let's ban all other citizens of other nations and nations from owning any US land. and boot coo coo Karlyn Borysenko to Canada while we're at it. tired of baltic bots
coolCSGO_ COOL TO COO! I want to thank everyone from @WantedGoons for the love and support I've received since I joined. Nothing but the perfect group of people to work with. Excited to grow the org and the brand. Can't wait to show everyone what we have in store. Stay tuned... COO for @WantedGoons | Ex-tier 5 IGL Business inquiries: coley@wantedgoons.com
littlekeish Tampa, FL I found the biggest dick I’ve found in Tampa. And he coo. How cool. 21+Spanish/Irish•inked•Award winning actress •Dancer•Cellist•Slag•No meet ups or fb• Not an influencer• book me at slippyfistks@hotmail.com•hit the link vv
AndyNonmuss you know I'm right It’s not often a song comes along -that isn’t mainstream pop garbage -that I just despise and hearing it sends me into a rage and that song is Dj koze roisin murphy coo cool. I love koze too he’s a criminal and a grifter and an embarrassment. you got got.
cynthx California, USA @Devon_OnEarth Das coo. If the teacher is going to take on the responsibility to monitor the student for psychological needs throughout, it's cool. If they can't* then... ??? A solution is needed. Kids keep things a secret and then no one knows why they did x, y and z until it's too late. A dame with a taste for single player games. 🍷
Avery81st I AM @_CousinTony @KingGygm @BOXINGnBBQ Exactly because fans are fickle anyways 🤷🏾‍♂️😂 who cares if somebody you never met remembers you. It’s coo but not life defining. Legacy is what your kids will hold onto and keep alive not a championship belt. Although being a champ is cool too it’s just a piece of leather and gold Brotha OF The Cool.
itzzmaleeaa i’m the type to say “ it’s coo” and ain’t crap be cool My btch yucky, she don’t use no hands
aniiseebeau Compton, CA Wanna be cool with me and crap now smh … ion wanna be coo , im keeping this crap gangsta for Zyla that’s it Sent from Heaven 🙏🏽
YuZapata3SC Bogotá, D.C., Colombia @AllAroundArtsy Cool Collar Palometa (bread) 1/1 #NFT Part of a cool collection of street art pigeons with awesome physical art utilities every month. Link: Also check out: @lukoart_ @judasaca_art and @Natflixly Colombian Graphic Designer/Artist/NFT Artist. Links to my artwork:
PAVECampaign Kristin White, COO of @ITS_America, joined our recent #PAVEpanel and said we need to rethink infrastructure: “The future of infrastructure isn’t just concrete, roads, and bridges. It’s software, data and cool technologies.” Listen: A coalition of industry, nonprofits, public sector entities & academics with one goal: to educate the public about automated vehicles and their potential.
LeftyNoHezi @Swagg @JeffreyGreller craps cool and all but it takes 2/3 times longer to make yo food than traditional ways. If you got a bunch of spare time on ya hands then yea it’s coo. But ask this question “how many restaurants out there using air fryers” the answer is NONE! Most overhyped product this century “I’m as real as a donut, motherforker!”
5starlils Illinois, USA I hate my siblings and there relationships with other ppl they push me away like okay coo don’t try to get cool with me later. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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