
Daylight Savings Is Cool

Daylight Savings Is Cool

The things some people say about Daylight Savings Is Cool.

TheMightyPink Fun fact: Daylight Savings time was introduced by an entomologist in New Zealand named George Hudson in 1895 who just wanted more daylight to go bug hunting after work. While this is a cool reason and all, DST is terrible and forks up my body 2 times a year for 6 months each time He/they spreading love and cute pictures.
thisiscooI he/thee/they/thou sunday is pi day *and* daylight savings! wow, what a cool day to be a baker! bipedal herbivore with an extremely thick skull roof
bagabriellebook United States @brokeenen Btw this is totally off topic, but are you good with 4 today instead of 5? I forgot we got Daylight Savings time over her and that'll make our days shorter now. If not, then that's cool 🙃 Editor for @CBR & @Funimation. Author of romance and fantasy novels. Artist of manga and cute characters. | 日本語と英語のエディター。よろしくね ■ 連絡 author@bagabriellebook.com ■
Shatterwaltz Very cool idea: the daylight savings when you go forwards happens during work hours and not sleeping hours. The other one is fine as-is. Child and man and child again, the boy never gets older.
flugennock Washington DC @DLamontJenkins As I dimly recall, it had something to do with giving farmers more daylight in the afternoon for working and harvesting. Nowadays, it's just really cool to be hanging out, swigging a beer and washing the car at 8pm in the evening. Political Cartoonist. Old Indymedia dude. Dirtbag Leftist. Spaceflight geek. #MST3K #GratefulDead Also on #Mastodon at
PARAN0RML Lost Vegas @OcularOccult same which is bogus because I live in the desert only difference though is i like the longer days, if I could have rainy cloudy cool weather and fall foliage with more daylight hours I’d be so happy @l0st_vegas’s side acc || not nsfw but pg-13, mostly bc of profanity || 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ age 21 genderfluid disaster bi w/ body and brain diseases || 🤘💀🎸🎶 ||
thatonemusickid Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Super cool opportunity to hang out with some new faces tonight, 8:30 PM EST US, gonna be playing some dead by daylight with @HarthuluTTV @authorsplode and @NC_Nightrevenge !! I look forward to seeing everyone soon! He/Him Producer • Musician • Writer • Comedian • @Twitch Affiliate Streamer business inquiry’s to thatonemusickid@icloud.com
TheMightyPink Fun fact: Daylight Savings time was introduced by an entomologist in New Zealand named George Hudson in 1895 who just wanted more daylight to go bug hunting after work. While this is a cool reason and all, DST is terrible and forks up my body 2 times a year for 6 months each time He/they spreading love and cute pictures.
Blu_jello in bed w/ my cat @23daemon Same, in my story the clans are friendlier and daylight gatherings happen more frequently It was a really cool idea and should've been a mainstay Art made by an idiot //She/Her and They/Them// Christian with a bit of a bad mouth// LG🅱T 😔// 🦐Level 19🦐//BLM
thisiscooI he/thee/they/thou sunday is pi day *and* daylight savings! wow, what a cool day to be a baker! bipedal herbivore with an extremely thick skull roof
KEYPHOBIC white ☼ she!her ☼ 17 dammit it’s daylight savings this weekend meaning im losing and hour of sleep that’s not cool #키범: DO YOU SEE MY DIMPLE ?? DO YOU ???
cheIseyochoa Houston, TX I find it so cool that daylight saving always falls around my birthday and Nathan’s birthday either love me or leave me alone
RahimanBaybz @Hiyar786 @DrFizi @Manorani7863 @Cutekh55 @Wasi_600 @cydra_malik @Tahir4341 @maryam_45678 @AishaLUMS @AizaMalik22 @BilloRa73246753 What happens to your heartbeat while the cool spring breeze touches your smoothness, through your silky hair, even your colours blend in with it's softness. The birds sing to call their mates, it's the season. While time plays us with moonlight and daylight, Feel the heartbeats.
Blossomie4 Canada I guess @23daemon The daylight gathering was such a cool concept, and I think it’s unfortunate we never got to really see it again. I thought that it was going to become a regular part of clan culture in order to remind them of how they were united to find a new home, but I guess not :( She/her • Warrior Cats • Yu-Gi-Oh! • Art • Music • VA • Self Shipper
bagabriellebook United States @brokeenen Btw this is totally off topic, but are you good with 4 today instead of 5? I forgot we got Daylight Savings time over her and that'll make our days shorter now. If not, then that's cool 🙃 Editor for @CBR & @Funimation. Author of romance and fantasy novels. Artist of manga and cute characters. | 日本語と英語のエディター。よろしくね ■ 連絡 author@bagabriellebook.com ■
nickelafi @goIdensi @Ashton5SOS its actually bc we have a lot of daylight (sun until 11pm in summer and 7pm in winter) and so we wake up later and when ppl worked in the fields they ate when the hottest hours of the day hit around 2pm and would sleep the siesta until 4 so it would cool down and now its cultural fan account - lose me in the sight of you (cth+mgc/4) || she/her || 23
CromptonLamps Bradford The Firesafe downlight is full of innovative technology. Including Colour Changing Technology which gives you the flexibility to change the colour temperature with the flick of the switch. You can choose between warm white, cool white and daylight. Experts in lighting since 1878. Tel: 01274 657 088
Mvizard83 Ferelden Free Marches @z_daylight @TrU3Ta1ent Cool. You posted emojis and a gif. Can you explain why you don't like it? U.S. Army Veteran Music, Video Game, Wrestling, Football and Comic enthusiast.
secliways Dimmable Ring Light】AIXPI 10" Ring Light features 3 light colors (Warm, Cool White, Daylight) and 10 levels brightness in each color, 30 options in total.【Adjustable & Stable Tripod】Extending from 13.6" to 59". #tiktok #star #Influencer We CHOOSE the best technology products SO YOU DON't HAVE TO!! 🥷 We list ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️➕ ONLY
ap_cdn The Internets @BeauInSantaFe @spicynoodzz Soft/warm light (2700K) is yellowy - like an old school 60W bulb, set to dim. Almost like candlelight. Next up is 3000K, which is still soft but slightly brighter and suitable for task lighting - this is what I have. Daylight is harsh, cool white (4000K) - most fluorescent. UnTicket contributor emeritus, but otherwise uninteresting person who's not really worth following. Also a self-professed volume tweeter. T-Dot Canadian.
LadyLangford14 Orlando, Fl Cool, the world shut down on my birthday last year and now this year it’s daylight savings. Why has my birthday become the worst time ever?! Disney Mama, Scareactor wifey, Photography nerd. She/Her/Hers/Ella💗
1Sherman @swaggolfco It’s all good...initially I didn’t like it...maybe the daylight makes it look better... maybe you hair style and make up does it as well...maybe it’s your pleasant demeanor (cute)... I pay attention to style, because it says a lot about the person...anyway it’s cool!
qkate Portland, OR And by cheer-up texts I mean less animal gifs and more suggesting cool things in the future to look forward to (increased daylight hours, getting to see friends and chosen fam IRL in some unknown number of months, maybe post-viral illnesses finally get more funding, etc) Multipurpose nerd. Engineering manager. Tweets about tech, math, social issues, music, hiking, knitting. 🏳️‍🌈 they/them
MrJames079 The Makai Seeing this in daylight, this monster is cool. Love the way the hat is actually organic when you look closer, with eyes and everything 24/He/Him. Local himbo and King of Braves. Break through every limit, floor it right this second, with All Loves Blazing. Kindness is a choice, keep making it.
red_syrinx Canada #NonRushtheBandSong #Ultravox Vienna🎶🎹🥁🎙️ The music is weaving Haunting notes, pizzicato strings The rhythm is calling Alone in the night as the daylight brings A cool empty silence The warmth of your hand and a cold grey sky It fades to the distance #RushtheBand is a everything to me, disrespect the Band and you will be blocked ➡️#RushFamily #WalkingDead #Homeworld Instagram: @red_syrinx
Bayneofallevil Western NY Stolen last moments of daylight reclining in my office chair in front of an open window with spring birds chirping outside and a nice cool breeze... Overly ambitious slacker
MINGISAMOR ATZ BTS IDLE NCT GOT7 ☾ + KRNB SHE / HER + 17 i still think trickster in dead by daylight looking exactly like hongjoong and being a former kpop idol is so cool i call jaebeom my bestie to hide my very true romantic feelings for him 🇲🇽🇬🇹
harlequinpub sheffield, yorkshire, england @PBWritesITR @alexrubner @JamesHarrisNow cool. i appreciate your ideas. so you take your practical education ideas to the schools/councils/government. as for street lighting, while it helps people feel secure, women get murdered, raped and assaulted in broad daylight, and we shouldn't have to stick to well lit roads. sheffield's premier downmarket drinking den is currently operating as a takeaway pie shop. takeaway boozes, chips, pies, etc. roll up, roll up!
jacobc My calendar widget on my phone is too narrow to show the whole thing, so on Sunday apparently we have "Daylight Saving Tim" Would be a cool nickname for someone whose obsessed with solar power and uses it to charge batteries for use at night. Software developer. Opinions are my own. I tweet dad jokes, and about tech and social justice. He/him. #BlackLivesMatter
hotfriday18 Man this scene looks cool but just goes to show how Bones fumbled season 4. And while people usually mention other things, the most noticeable thing to me was the terrible lighting in an arc set underground yet lighted like it's daylight. Artist, Programmer.....hoping to one day make great animation.
Curlsrock2 🏳️‍🌈 Happy Thursday y’all! Tonight I’ll be playing some Dead by Daylight with a cool cat @Salaxul_ 👻 It’s gonna be chill vibes and a good time! Hope to see you there 🥰 Variety streamer 🎮 | Multimedia artist 🎥🎨 | BLM | I'm a gamer I have plenty of lives👾 | She/They🏳️‍🌈 | Obsessed Animal Crossing fan🍃 | Apex | Overwatch
Cool_ZayZay ATL~Where Stars are Made Daylight saving times starts Sunday and next Saturday is the first day of spring!! 🙌🏾🔥😎 ASU Alumni 👨🏾‍🎓🐝♉️...#KeepGod1st...#BlackBoyMagic🤴🏾🌟....Twitter is my personal journal 📔 so keep up!!
RUhappy1103 ARASHI is cute, cool and sexy. REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestream ARASHI ¦ Party Starters ¦ Whenever You Call ¦ To my homies ¦ the Deep End ¦ Daylight ¦ Mada Ue o ¦ 嵐 28 全部、沢田慎のせい。つぶやきは、ぽつりぽつりと。 アイコンは、ふわふわ。り さんからお借りしています。
livgenius as well as I need to figure out the IB portal bc I can’t find it and it needs to be submitted there by 10pm okay cool I work better in daylight anyways lovely cool yessssss AND I will not be on Twitter as much or will do my best not to go on here okay gn love u milfs and boygenuis (she/her) 18 @lividiot
RUhappy1103 ARASHI is cute, cool and sexy. REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestream ARASHI ¦ Party Starters ¦ Whenever You Call ¦ To my homies ¦ the Deep End ¦ Daylight ¦ Mada Ue o ¦ 嵐 14 全部、沢田慎のせい。つぶやきは、ぽつりぽつりと。 アイコンは、ふわふわ。り さんからお借りしています。
hothtourism Zurich, Switzerland @ValontheMoon1 Had to look them up, admittedly; they both have some awesome lines! My personal favorite is "Daylight licked me into shape", what a cool sentence! I'm sure you'll just wake up and *know* sometime in the next week. Do keep us updated! Aspiring happy person from Switzerland She/Her #amwriting
CutlassGame Sydney, New South Wales The latest version of the Winning Love by Daylight #VisualNovel now includes some cool upgrades, and now is available on mac! Australian Game Designer, Writer, Speed Runner, LoFi music producer and Breakfast Enthusiast. Find all my available games here:
carcassofalion The black obelisk @OurLadyofAntifa I'm straight and cis, so I don't pretend to know, but I have LGBT friends who have been assaulted in broad daylight, so I can probably afford to cool it with the condescending bullcrap towards them ☧ from above hath He sent fire into my bones, and it prevaileth against them
aSheepie UK, probably in a field @dthird_l @ingham_mal @BettyJanesCat I _have_ had the fox wander past the kitchen window, casual as you like, in daylight whilst I was doing the evening washing up. And one follow me up the road through the front gardens, which was cool - it was the other side of the front walls and just seemed interested in me Linux, computer and boardgame geek. Likes cheese. Martial Artist. Very Metal. B-movie zombie film lover. Cats. Evil leader of the Woolly Legions Of Doom (tm).
Axl_hk @PhoebeAlleyway Who needs to go out in daylight when you can have cool powers and look like this
ohhpip 🪨🗿🍍 All of this is true and it hurts. As a woman, walking alone day or night is dangerous. Both times I’ve been attacked (once almost abducted) have been in the daylight. To this day I still play the cool card about walking alone but as soon as I see a man/men I panic. { 𝔰𝔥𝔢/𝔥𝔢𝔯. 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔯. 𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔢𝔯. 𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔪𝔞. 𝔥𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔠. 𝔤𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔯. 𝔥𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔬𝔯 𝔫𝔢𝔯𝔡. 𝔱𝔬𝔬 𝔬𝔩𝔡 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔱. 𝔟𝔩𝔪. }
amynicz London, England I had to quickly run around the car and kept on running bc I was scared, but luckily (how am I even saying that) it was daylight, on a main road and lots of people around. Not cool tho. 21 years ripe #vegan • actor/writer/director/funny kid • classic northerner • she/her ♊️
LiretteYa @marcorubio I'm more worried about this talk of "Climate Lockdowns". But I do think it's cool and beneficial to have more daylight hours.
Shatterwaltz Very cool idea: the daylight savings when you go forwards happens during work hours and not sleeping hours. The other one is fine as-is. Child and man and child again, the boy never gets older.
JamesGField United States 10MAR12: It was early morning. Daylight was trying its best, but a low, grey blanket of clouds and cool temperatures were giving the light all it could handle. 1/ tOSU ‘07. Outdaughtered. RLTW. Colossians 3:23-24. At the intersection of dad twitter and the #ShareYourPSOP corner of #MilTwitter. Opinions my own.
Iam_danear 3:16 Blood money is cool and sweet to spend till you start seeing ghosts in broad daylight 😁 I'm not your regular everyday human 🤴
Ddraigdanio @MatterFaq @IamJulito No one wants (or is trying) to "make" men feel like predators. It would just be super cool if men cared how their actions contribute to women not feeling safe in public. Even in broad daylight. And if men saw women's fear is justified; self-preservation built over centuries.
JacobRo61221796 @SilenceTheBrave + in broad daylight and the alarm bells in his brain were screaming. He didn't know what they were going to do, how they were going to do it but then Dimitri finally pulled the zipper down on his jacket and he huffed in relief at the cool + Buffalo Police Department. #vittlesAU #BroadchurchAU
Dan_Weather_Man After big time warmth, temps do cool off heading into the weekend, although to more seasonable levels. Will be a bright weekend with plenty of sun and both days featuring highs around 40. Daylight Saving Time begins...remember to set clouds and check smoke/co2 detectors. Weekday Morning Meteorologist for Spectrum News Buffalo. Head Football Coach Lake Shore Eagles @LSEagleFootball RTs/shared are not endorsements
LouGarza86 Auburn Hills, MI @Mel_Ankoly I'm totally cool with layer sunsets, I just wish we could stay at that time and doing away with Daylight Savings Time altogether 😉 Never give up, never surrender! #VoteBlue #Resistance ⚠️ Warning... Sentence enhancers will be used! ⚠️

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