
Doing alcohol is Cool.

What are people tweeting about Doing alcohol is Cool.

ssttephaniieevv "Do you think smoking drugs is cool Do you think doing alcohol is cool ? " 😂😂 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
AndriaGmoney Southern California @megrow1 @TheOfflcePics do you think that doing alcohol is cool? 21 // Editor-in-Chief of @angeloscbu // Managing Editor of Evoke Magazine // AMF Entertainment Intern // Sipping on some chai right about now //
gabbicoyne California, USA "Do you think smoking drugs is cool? Do you think doing alcohol is cool?" -Michael Scott ✌️
xsamanthax343 University of South Florida @heykaradoyle do you think that doing alcohol is cool???? student//theatre nerd//sub-par joke teller
austindial235 southeast, mo Do you think that doing alcohol is cool? when ppl treat ya like they don't care, you should probably believe them
Blops64 Do you think doing alcohol is cool? 8-8-13 ❤️ Movie quotes, song lyrics, political standpoints and good old fashioned scumbaggery
CamiBartowski Main Street, USA Do you think doing alcohol is COOL????? intj. ravenclaw. psychology student. wandering aimlessly. thanks for sharing this moment in the universe with me.
katplane #staytrippy DO YOU THINK THAT DOING ALCOHOL IS COOL? focus on me
Jen_Barra phoenix "Do you think that smoking drugs is cool?? Do you think that doing alcohol is cool?!"😂 Have courage & be kind. | GCU '19
idSAPthat1025 University of Kentucky Do you think smoking drugs is cool? Do you think that doing alcohol is cool? Grande non-fat iced chai tea latte with light ice
DillonKober Vermillion, SD "Do you think smoking drugs is cool? Do you think doing alcohol is cool?" Journalism student at The University of South Dakota
isaacbucko Pennsylvania, USA Do you think doing alcohol is cool? a man with an opinion about everything.
CassClancy Long Island Do you think that doing alcohol is cool??? @cody_del ♡ SUNY New Paltz
HalesHaleCarter Do you think doing Alcohol is cool?! puns
fawndofyou do you think that smoking drugs is cool? do you think that doing alcohol is cool? i cry over bands and love makeup / intersectional feminist
darkkal999 @Kairuui doing anything because it makes you look cool makes you a tool. weed is on the same level as alcohol and cigarretes imo Programming. Video games. eSports. IIDX. ちょっと日本語. Music. Anime is okay too.
Annanzio_27 Cleveland Institute of Art Do you think that smoking drugs is cool? Do you think that doing alcohol is cool? that's deplorable

What is cool?