
Pork A Celebrity Topic

Pork A Celebrity Topic

Tweeting on the topic of Pork A Celebrity Topic.

tmana New Jersey @JanJava @nj1015 LOL! Yeah, Pork Roll (Taylor Ham) is apparently New Jersey's state sandwich (and which name you use is a topic of hot debate)! NJ is close enough to NYC that the bagels are decent (could be a bit chewier, though). Decent (NY-style) pizza, too. Brenda F. Bell, Trek fan, ren costumer, arctophile, Red Rider, blogger of Riffing Off Craft Trends and Contrary Point of View. Libertarian.
HolyTrinity316 Barnsley Children in Year 5 (Class 10) have enjoyed cooking and eating Lu Rou Fan (minced pork rice) as part of their Design and a technology topic. #proud #holytrinitystars Holy Trinity is an all-through Catholic & Church of England school in Barnsley.
dailybluenight 푸른 밤 🌙 161214 the topic of eating sweet and salty foods consecutively came up so jonghyun decided to list off all the food that he ate the day after his concerts in seoul. jonghyun: i ate sweet and salty food after the concert! on that day i ate… pork with soju, Daily posts about DJ JjongD’s Blue Night Radio 📻 (all translations have credits) @mbcbluenight (check “moments” part for folders of the past throwback)
Voodoo_Pork Nowhere, USA Like, I can laugh at the QAnon crazies doing political LARPing but not in a dismissive way. It's more a dark ironic chuckle in sheer disbelief. This cult claims family members and loved ones. People have died. Don't know if this is a great topic for a corporation to cash in on. Writer || Terminally Online Marxist || Bylines in @ZeroBalanceBlog @StreetFightWCRS @TheDCSentinel

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