
Valentines day is Cool.

These are real tweets from people talking about Valentines day is Cool.

smawllz Australia #Valentines day is cool and all, but why do people need a day to remember how go treat your partner well, it should be Valentines everyday. Happiness is life! I want to make everyone happy! #VideoGames ~ #YouTube ~ #Music ~ #ExtremeSports ~ are my passion.
InstinctJW Not doing anything for valentines is cool cause I can just sleep all day |LAN xp| Sponsored by @CinchGaming use code Instinct for 5% off on all products! |Player for @Verve_eSports|
becacayantz But the way Valentines Day is celebrated is just so stupid and cliche and I think its really cool when people celebrate it in their own ways Tattoos and a switchblade attitude a snakebite heart with a bubblegum smile
lexi_flounders Losing friends is totally cool on valentines day! 14.
DevinePowers Valentines Day is cool. I smile and laugh every time single or not. Suck it up, internet. Constantly trying to do things I am not qualified to do.
MicheleShaffe14 Oklahoma Now this is really cool!!! Happy Valentines Day!
cniggs toronto I don't understand why people hate on valentines day. Like cool you don't like it, yes it is a money grab but so what. tea, anime, gym. 12115
MsDyna85 Texas, Mf dats where I stay Ppl who don't participate in Valentines Day (which is cool) are gonna be the most annoying today. #Texans #Rockets #Astros #iDontHaveNoCollegeTeamSoDontAsk
vicky_velardexD clouds So... Tomorrow is Valentines Day.. Cool. Im the one under the sun
mariahtenenbaum valentines day is cool but i like to think that on a daily basis i am already Full of Love
urfavspacebabe Ypsilanti, MI tbh i like valentines day a lot because love is cool and i got love for people and i find joy in showing that 20. vulgar but cute.
DickieV Sports Events Worldwide @JoeHoovious That is cool / my wife Respects me / wow u r making me shed a tear /,have a super Valentines Day Dickie V is a longtime college basketball analyst with ESPN.
lishlewis @lishlewis if you guys are just fuck buddies is it cool to ask for some Valentines day sex Soft as silk..Sweet as honey
lisa_chid Washington, DC @slackboss ***alone for Valentines Day bc gf is in DC*** @_rayymarie (but it's cool, I get it--a much harder rhyme 😉) #overprotectiveroomate USU • LDS
Chynanotyga_ Fontana, CA Valentines day is cool for couples I guess it's that one day besides your anniversary that you show your girl you really do care KNOW YOURSELF // DMS CLOSED because people enter them & waste your fucking time so no nigga

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